Monday, September 22, 2008

The highs and lows of a mommy's mind

Every day, as a part of unwinding my routine, I try to introspect my daily schedule. Trust me, its a conglomeration of some really crazy stuff with my kids.

The day kick starts with Tej wailing and pleading me not to send him to school.The early morning waking-up time is a big battle, to be fought every other day.Thats when I get tempted to actually get him back and tuck into the bed along with him. But, not to set a bad example, I have never actually allowed him to "bunk" school, atleast to-date. Thankfully, the tantrum stays until his bath, and then he is as fit as a pumpkin to attend his pre-kindergarten. "School is fun" is what he declares finally , and gives a tight hug and kiss to me and his younger brother (who is now wailing to go to school, though he is still 2), and rushes off to his school. Hmmmm, life's little ironies ,.... you just want those things which you are forbidden the most. I feel a bit relieved , with my elder one gone to school , and having only one child vying for my attention. Anuj cries for a moment that he is left out, but eventually comes to terms with his favourite "Dora the Explorer". He gives the cartoon a hug and kiss and continues to watch it for a while. Now is the time for my "orkutting" , along with a big mug of Milo(yeah, Milo is the secret of my energy, LOL ) My mind is the most relaxed at this particular moment, with me kicking my legs off the computer desk , gulping my huge mug of Calcium-intake.

Then goes the same old routine , with Anuj's shower , followed by mine, and then the cooking. In the meanwhile , as a part of entertaining my younger one , I take him out for a short walk. At this moment, my mind is actually rushing. I keep looking at the watch, only to realise that I have only a few moments with Mother Nature , before i resume my chef's duties. I feel pity for myself for not having to enjoy the nature , while Anuj is cheerfully waving at the birds in the garden. My entire focus remains on what to cook , as my elder one comes home so much famished that he acts as if he came from the country of Somalia. At this moment, my mind is just closed , not opening to the morning gossip of the other ladies in the community. I barely manage to say a Hi to anyone who passes me, because I know I would be a terrible company at that point.

Lunch-time arrives with both my husband and Tej coming back from their respective work-places. My elder one, who has a wonderful sense of smell, tries to guess exactly as to what I cooked for lunch.Thats when I feel very much satiated with my culinary skills. After all, all my cooking skills are honed to be better only for my family, right ?

He comes back with his school-work, and tries to animatedly explain what he did for that day at his school. I get a sense of exhilaration, when he explains everything in detail , his likes and dislikes, and the various things he did with his friends. It gives me a sense of deja-vu ,with my school days seeming to rekindle as my son gets excited about his school fun.

Post-lunch, I suddenly get this low mood-swing , and sometimes or more often crib that my entire day is just revolved in the kitchen, cooking, cleaning and doing all the odd jobs. My husband actually gets perplexed, with my mixed feelings, because until then, I was this dutiful housewife, and the next moment, I behave like a cranky teenager missing her mom terribly. He tries to explain that it might be because of constant work with the kids, but nothing would actually help me. It's the lowest phase of my mind in any particular day. Luckily for him, he has meetings to attend in the afternoon, so would just rush off to his haven(spelt office, because of my tantrums). By that time, I would feel better, and then try to spend some time again with my darling kiddos, who are actually busy snatching things from each other.

A little while later, when the kids are in their nap-time, this is the time when my mind actually goes a bit relaxed again. I try to browse or chat up or catch up a movie. I love this part of the day, when I am more to myself. Another high in my day.

These days, as a part of our fitness freak regime, me and my husband have enrolled ourselves into the nearby fitness center. The plus point being, the kids get to enjoy in the kids' club attached with the gym, while we parents sweat our calories out ! There are various sessions going on, like Yoga, Salsa moves, Pilates , etc..through which our work-outs are just being more enjoyable. By this time, I convince myself that am doing pretty well with my routine, giving myself some commendable time, despite having two kids and a crazy routine. I definitely like this part of the day, and am looking forward to it each day.

Then follows the dinner and the sleep-time routine. In the meanwhile, both my kids dash into their room and come out with their crayons and play-dohs and ask their Dad to play with them., with their soulful, large eyes. That's the time I love them the most, when they tend to bond with their adult-male company, and keep yelling to me that they are indeed having FUN. Oh, how I love their funny expressions, when they goof-up with their Papa dearest. At this moment, I feel very much wonderful and love these precious moments of being a parent. Presently , my younger one has become one loyal disciple to his elder brother, and try to repeat and imbibe his role model. He keeps reading all the alphabets and numbers out of nowhere, and that's when I feel more responsible to make them a future Oxford or a Harvard students. Long time ?? Naah....time's just flying.

Finally, as I lay in my bed, next to my husband and my darling kiddos,...I realize that "Life is indeed beautiful". Its all in my mind. My mind, having started out as a strict mom, to a cranky teenager, to a dutiful wife, finally needs rest and just cuddles up to my hubby dearest like a baby. Thats when my mind is finally at REST !


raj said...

GOOD for u! :)

kaburulu said...

A nice blog liked it soo much...A quick question were you from Vikas junior college in Vizag?

Shanthiprasadh said...

yes "kaburulu", i am indeed from Vikas junior college ... so do we know each other?